PyGRANSO New Options ======================== QPsolver ------------------ String in {'osqp'}. Default value: 'osqp' Select the QP solver used in the steering strategy and termination condition. Currently only OSQP is supported. torch_device -------------------------------- torch.device('cpu') OR torch.device('cuda'). Default value: torch.device('cpu') Choose torch.device used for matrix operation in PyGRANSO. opts.torch_device = torch.device('cuda') if one wants to use cuda device. globalAD -------------------------------- Boolean value. Default value: True Compute all gradients of objective and constraint functions via auto-differentiation. In the default setting, user should provide [f,ci,ce] = combined_fn(X). When globalAD = False, user should provide [f,f_grad,ci,ci_grad,ce,ce_grad] = combined_fn(X). Please check the docstring of for more details of setting combined_fn. double_precision -------------------------------- Boolean value. Default value: True Set the floating number formats to be double precision for PyGRANSO solver. If double_precision = False, the floating number formats will be single precision. Experimental Options ======================== .. warning:: The following options are still in development and may change or be removed in future releases. We don't recommend users use them in current version. init_step_size ---------------- Positive real value. Default value: 1 Initial step size t in line search. Recommend using small value (e.g., 1e-2) for deep learning problems. linesearch_maxit ---------------- Positive integer. Default value: inf Max number of iterations in line search. Recommend using small value (e.g., 25) for deep learning problem. is_backtrack_linesearch -------------------------------- Boolean value. Default value: False By default, NCVX will use weak-Wolfe line search. By enabling this method, the curvature condition will be disabled. search_direction_rescaling -------------------------------- Boolean value. Default value: False Rescale the norm of searching direction to be 1. Recommend setting True in deep learning problem. Used only when backtracking line search is enabled. disable_terminationcode_6 -------------------------------- Boolean value. Default value: False Disable termination code 6 to ensure NCVX can always make a movement even if the line search failed. Recommend setting True in deep learning problem. Used only when backtracking line search is enabled.