Trace Optimization

Trace optimization with orthogonal constraints taken from: Effrosini Kokiopoulou, Jie Chen, and Yousef Saad. “Trace optimization and eigenproblems in dimension reduction methods.” Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 18.3 (2011): 565-602.

Problem Description

Given a symmetric matrix \(A\) of dimension \(n\times n\), and an arbitrary unitary matrix \(V\) of dimension \(n\times d\).

The trace of \(V^TAV\) is maximized when \(V\) is an orthogonal basis of the eigenspace associated with the (algebraically) largest eigenvalues.

If eigenvalues are labeled decreasingly and \(u_1,...,u_d\) are eigenvectors associated with the first \(d\) eigenvalues \(\lambda_1,...,\lambda_d\), and \(U = [u_1,...,u_d]\) with \(U^TU=I\), then,

\[\max_{V \in R^{n\times d}, V^TV=I} \text{Tr}[V^TAV]=\text{Tr}[U^TAU]=\lambda_1+...+\lambda_d\]

Modules Importing

Import all necessary modules and add PyGRANSO src folder to system path.

import time
import torch
import sys
## Adding PyGRANSO directories. Should be modified by user
from pygranso.pygranso import pygranso
from pygranso.pygransoStruct import pygransoStruct

Data Initialization

Specify torch device, and generate data

Use GPU for this problem. If no cuda device available, please set device = torch.device(‘cpu’)

device = torch.device('cuda')
n = 5
d = 1
# All the user-provided data (vector/matrix/tensor) must be in torch tensor format.
# As PyTorch tensor is single precision by default, one must explicitly set `dtype=torch.double`.
# Also, please make sure the device of provided torch tensor is the same as opts.torch_device.
A = torch.randn(n,n).to(device=device, dtype=torch.double)
A = (A + A.T)/2
L, U = torch.linalg.eig(A)
L, U =,
index = torch.argsort(L,descending=True)
U = U[:,index[0:d]]
/tmp/ipykernel_894447/ UserWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part (Triggered internally at  /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1623448255797/work/aten/src/ATen/native/Copy.cpp:240.)
  L, U =,

Function Set-Up

Encode the optimization variables, and objective and constraint functions.

Note: please strictly follow the format of comb_fn, which will be used in the PyGRANSO main algortihm.

# variables and corresponding dimensions.
var_in = {"V": [n,d]}

def user_fn(X_struct,A,d):
    V = X_struct.V

    # objective function
    f = -torch.trace(V.T@A@V)

    # inequality constraint, matrix form
    ci = None

    # equality constraint
    ce = pygransoStruct()
    ce.c1 = V.T@V - torch.eye(d).to(device=device, dtype=torch.double)

    return [f,ci,ce]

comb_fn = lambda X_struct : user_fn(X_struct,A,d)

User Options

Specify user-defined options for PyGRANSO

opts = pygransoStruct()
opts.torch_device = device
opts.print_frequency = 1
# opts.opt_tol = 1e-7
opts.maxit = 3000
# opts.mu0 = 10
# opts.steering_c_viol = 0.02

Main Algorithm

start = time.time()
soln = pygranso(var_spec = var_in,combined_fn = comb_fn,user_opts = opts)
end = time.time()
print("Total Wall Time: {}s".format(end - start))

V = torch.reshape(,(n,d))

rel_dist = torch.norm(V@V.T - U@U.T)/torch.norm(U@U.T)
print("torch.norm(V@V.T - U@U.T)/torch.norm(U@U.T) = {}".format(rel_dist))

print("torch.trace(V.T@A@V) = {}".format(torch.trace(V.T@A@V)))
print("torch.trace(U.T@A@U) = {}".format(torch.trace(U.T@A@U)))
print("sum of first d eigvals = {}".format(torch.sum(L[index[0:d]])))
print("sorted eigs = {}".format(L[index]))

╔═════ QP SOLVER NOTICE ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
║  PyGRANSO requires a quadratic program (QP) solver that has a quadprog-compatible interface,  ║
║  the default is osqp. Users may provide their own wrapper for the QP solver.                  ║
║  To disable this notice, set opts.quadprog_info_msg = False                                   ║
PyGRANSO: A PyTorch-enabled port of GRANSO with auto-differentiation                                             ║
Version 1.2.0                                                                                                    ║
Licensed under the AGPLv3, Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Tim Mitchell and Buyun Liang                                  ║
Problem specifications:                                                                                          ║
 # of variables                     :   5                                                                        ║
 # of inequality constraints        :   0                                                                        ║
 # of equality constraints          :   1                                                                        ║
     ║ <--- Penalty Function --> ║                ║ Total Violation ║ <--- Line Search ---> ║ <- Stationarity -> ║
Iter ║    Mu    │      Value     ║    Objective   ║ Ineq │    Eq    ║ SD │ Evals │     t    ║ Grads │    Value   ║
   0 ║ 1.000000 │  1.16724813601 ║ -2.14592113443 ║   -  │ 3.313169 ║ -  │     1 │ 0.000000 ║     1 │ 4.801284   ║
   1 ║ 1.000000 │ -4.18220640118 ║ -27.2345373313 ║   -  │ 23.05233 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     1 │ 19.60748   ║
   2 ║ 0.810000 │ -7.44513089341 ║ -25.7524524611 ║   -  │ 13.41436 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     1 │ 2.119321   ║
   3 ║ 0.478297 │ -3.36403570563 ║ -29.7615131867 ║   -  │ 10.87080 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     1 │ 0.807332   ║
   4 ║ 0.313811 │  0.44260646755 ║ -29.8199400438 ║   -  │ 9.800420 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     1 │ 0.181373   ║
   5 ║ 0.313811 │ -0.05159283053 ║ -25.9178254403 ║   -  │ 8.081695 ║ S  │     2 │ 2.000000 ║     1 │ 0.266675   ║
   6 ║ 0.313811 │ -0.60015959521 ║ -19.8021105233 ║   -  │ 5.613953 ║ S  │     2 │ 2.000000 ║     1 │ 0.129813   ║
   7 ║ 0.313811 │ -0.74007491793 ║ -15.7240418418 ║   -  │ 4.194296 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     1 │ 0.073206   ║
   8 ║ 0.313811 │ -0.80534295483 ║ -10.5540665925 ║   -  │ 2.506635 ║ S  │     3 │ 4.000000 ║     1 │ 0.096243   ║
   9 ║ 0.313811 │ -0.90562463200 ║ -3.96127832617 ║   -  │ 0.337466 ║ S  │     3 │ 1.500000 ║     1 │ 0.109112   ║
  10 ║ 0.313811 │ -0.94306331782 ║ -3.09440966016 ║   -  │ 0.027995 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     1 │ 0.036484   ║
  11 ║ 0.313811 │ -0.95168907673 ║ -3.04557834593 ║   -  │ 0.004046 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     1 │ 0.016092   ║
  12 ║ 0.313811 │ -0.95404206443 ║ -3.04284283001 ║   -  │ 8.34e-04 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     1 │ 0.010167   ║
  13 ║ 0.313811 │ -0.95488755011 ║ -3.04425497591 ║   -  │ 4.32e-04 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     1 │ 0.003923   ║
  14 ║ 0.313811 │ -0.95497194333 ║ -3.04323398616 ║   -  │ 2.71e-05 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     1 │ 0.001371   ║
  15 ║ 0.313811 │ -0.95498874787 ║ -3.04321724294 ║   -  │ 5.07e-06 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     1 │ 8.65e-04   ║
  16 ║ 0.313811 │ -0.95499959494 ║ -3.04325102043 ║   -  │ 4.82e-06 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     1 │ 6.98e-04   ║
  17 ║ 0.313811 │ -0.95500308923 ║ -3.04325221318 ║   -  │ 1.70e-06 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     1 │ 3.20e-04   ║
  18 ║ 0.313811 │ -0.95500354042 ║ -3.04324890133 ║   -  │ 2.11e-07 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     1 │ 8.22e-05   ║
  19 ║ 0.313811 │ -0.95500356428 ║ -3.04324833552 ║   -  │ 9.93e-09 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     2 │ 2.46e-05   ║
     ║ <--- Penalty Function --> ║                ║ Total Violation ║ <--- Line Search ---> ║ <- Stationarity -> ║
Iter ║    Mu    │      Value     ║    Objective   ║ Ineq │    Eq    ║ SD │ Evals │     t    ║ Grads │    Value   ║
  20 ║ 0.313811 │ -0.95500356476 ║ -3.04324830572 ║   -  │ 1.06e-10 ║ S  │     7 │ 1.031250 ║     2 │ 7.11e-06   ║
  21 ║ 0.282430 │ -0.85950320836 ║ -3.04324830605 ║   -  │ 1.11e-10 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     3 │ 1.92e-06   ║
  22 ║ 0.282430 │ -0.85950320837 ║ -3.04324830571 ║   -  │ 8.61e-12 ║ S  │     5 │ 1.125000 ║     4 │ 2.38e-07   ║
  23 ║ 0.282430 │ -0.85950320837 ║ -3.04324830572 ║   -  │ 8.20e-12 ║ S  │     3 │ 0.250000 ║     5 │ 6.46e-07   ║
  24 ║ 0.282430 │ -0.85950320837 ║ -3.04324830570 ║   -  │ 4.19e-13 ║ S  │     6 │ 1.062500 ║     6 │ 7.63e-05   ║
  25 ║ 0.282430 │ -0.85950320837 ║ -3.04324830570 ║   -  │ 6.05e-13 ║ S  │    11 │ 9.77e-04 ║     7 │ 0.001019   ║
  26 ║ 0.282430 │ -0.85950320837 ║ -3.04324830570 ║   -  │ 8.78e-13 ║ S  │     2 │ 0.500000 ║     8 │ 1.00e-06   ║
  27 ║ 0.282430 │ -0.85950320845 ║ -3.04324830625 ║   -  │ 7.90e-11 ║ SI │     2 │ 0.500000 ║     9 │ 2.12e-07   ║
  28 ║ 0.282430 │ -0.85950320845 ║ -3.04324830631 ║   -  │ 9.62e-11 ║ S  │     3 │ 0.250000 ║    10 │ 9.83e-07   ║
  29 ║ 0.282430 │ -0.85950320845 ║ -3.04324830634 ║   -  │ 1.03e-10 ║ S  │     4 │ 0.125000 ║    10 │ 5.25e-06   ║
  30 ║ 0.282430 │ -0.85950320845 ║ -3.04324830635 ║   -  │ 1.07e-10 ║ S  │     5 │ 0.062500 ║    10 │ 5.19e-06   ║
  31 ║ 0.282430 │ -0.85950320845 ║ -3.04324830635 ║   -  │ 1.08e-10 ║ S  │     7 │ 0.015625 ║    10 │ 5.37e-06   ║
F = final iterate, B = Best (to tolerance), MF = Most Feasible                                                   ║
Optimization results:                                                                                            ║
   F ║          │                ║ -3.04324830635 ║   -  │ 1.08e-10 ║    │       │          ║       │            ║
   B ║          │                ║ -3.04324890133 ║   -  │ 2.11e-07 ║    │       │          ║       │            ║
  MF ║          │                ║ -3.04324830570 ║   -  │ 8.44e-14 ║    │       │          ║       │            ║
Iterations:              31                                                                                      ║
Function evaluations:    105                                                                                     ║
PyGRANSO termination code: 6 --- line search bracketed a minimizer but failed to satisfy Wolfe conditions at a   ║
feasible point (to tolerances).  This may be an indication that approximate stationarity has been attained.      ║
Total Wall Time: 1.0528507232666016s
torch.norm(V@V.T - U@U.T)/torch.norm(U@U.T) = 3.772472601724718e-06
torch.trace(V.T@A@V) = 3.0432483063508395
torch.trace(U.T@A@U) = 3.0432483060418907
sum of first d eigvals = 3.04324830604189
sorted eigs = tensor([ 3.0432,  0.8890, -0.4730, -0.9598, -1.8722], device='cuda:0',

More Constraints

(Optional) Exploring the pygranso performance on different number of constraints

device = torch.device('cuda')
n = 5
d = 2
# All the user-provided data (vector/matrix/tensor) must be in torch tensor format.
# As PyTorch tensor is single precision by default, one must explicitly set `dtype=torch.double`.
# Also, please make sure the device of provided torch tensor is the same as opts.torch_device.
A = torch.randn(n,n).to(device=device, dtype=torch.double)
A = (A + A.T)/2
L, U = torch.linalg.eig(A)
L, U =,
index = torch.argsort(L,descending=True)
U = U[:,index[0:d]]

# variables and corresponding dimensions.
var_in = {"V": [n,d]}

def user_fn(X_struct,A,d):
    V = X_struct.V

    # objective function
    f = -torch.trace(V.T@A@V)

    # inequality constraint, matrix form
    ci = None

    # equality constraint
    ce = pygransoStruct()
    ce.c1 = V.T@V - torch.eye(d).to(device=device, dtype=torch.double)

    return [f,ci,ce]

comb_fn = lambda X_struct : user_fn(X_struct,A,d)

opts = pygransoStruct()
opts.torch_device = device
opts.print_frequency = 10
opts.opt_tol = 5e-6
opts.maxit = 1000
# opts.mu0 = 10
# opts.steering_c_viol = 0.02

start = time.time()
soln = pygranso(var_spec = var_in,combined_fn = comb_fn,user_opts = opts)
end = time.time()
print("Total Wall Time: {}s".format(end - start))

V = torch.reshape(,(n,d))

rel_dist = torch.norm(V@V.T - U@U.T)/torch.norm(U@U.T)
print("torch.norm(V@V.T - U@U.T)/torch.norm(U@U.T) = {}".format(rel_dist))

print("torch.trace(V.T@A@V) = {}".format(torch.trace(V.T@A@V)))
print("torch.trace(U.T@A@U) = {}".format(torch.trace(U.T@A@U)))
print("sum of first d eigvals = {}".format(torch.sum(L[index[0:d]])))
print("sorted eigs = {}".format(L[index]))

╔═════ QP SOLVER NOTICE ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
║  PyGRANSO requires a quadratic program (QP) solver that has a quadprog-compatible interface,  ║
║  the default is osqp. Users may provide their own wrapper for the QP solver.                  ║
║  To disable this notice, set opts.quadprog_info_msg = False                                   ║
PyGRANSO: A PyTorch-enabled port of GRANSO with auto-differentiation                                             ║
Version 1.2.0                                                                                                    ║
Licensed under the AGPLv3, Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Tim Mitchell and Buyun Liang                                  ║
Problem specifications:                                                                                          ║
 # of variables                     :   10                                                                       ║
 # of inequality constraints        :    0                                                                       ║
 # of equality constraints          :    4                                                                       ║
     ║ <--- Penalty Function --> ║                ║ Total Violation ║ <--- Line Search ---> ║ <- Stationarity -> ║
Iter ║    Mu    │      Value     ║    Objective   ║ Ineq │    Eq    ║ SD │ Evals │     t    ║ Grads │    Value   ║
   0 ║ 1.000000 │  27.7034556094 ║  0.81257641642 ║   -  │ 8.581446 ║ -  │     1 │ 0.000000 ║     1 │ 10.40129   ║
  10 ║ 0.282430 │ -0.18719099678 ║ -2.46656247013 ║   -  │ 0.280276 ║ S  │     2 │ 2.000000 ║     1 │ 0.486407   ║
  20 ║ 0.166772 │ -0.55397439861 ║ -3.46402291008 ║   -  │ 0.021852 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     1 │ 0.092432   ║
  30 ║ 0.088629 │ -0.34324393783 ║ -3.87472269962 ║   -  │ 1.46e-04 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     1 │ 0.002322   ║
  40 ║ 0.025032 │ -0.09733355831 ║ -3.88881298264 ║   -  │ 7.01e-06 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     1 │ 0.002899   ║
  50 ║ 0.025032 │ -0.09765249793 ║ -3.90193007079 ║   -  │ 1.09e-05 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     1 │ 0.003514   ║
  60 ║ 0.025032 │ -0.09795121684 ║ -3.91354197166 ║   -  │ 7.61e-06 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     1 │ 0.003132   ║
  70 ║ 0.025032 │ -0.09811594986 ║ -3.91992492755 ║   -  │ 3.69e-06 ║ S  │     1 │ 1.000000 ║     1 │ 0.002289   ║
  80 ║ 0.002465 │ -0.00966775963 ║ -3.92198806015 ║   -  │ 5.13e-08 ║ S  │     3 │ 1.500000 ║     2 │ 5.79e-04   ║
  90 ║ 5.64e-04 │ -0.00221178042 ║ -3.92221123547 ║   -  │ 2.74e-08 ║ S  │     3 │ 1.500000 ║     3 │ 4.65e-06   ║
F = final iterate, B = Best (to tolerance), MF = Most Feasible                                                   ║
Optimization results:                                                                                            ║
   F ║          │                ║ -3.92221123547 ║   -  │ 2.74e-08 ║    │       │          ║       │            ║
   B ║          │                ║ -3.92221510373 ║   -  │ 2.72e-08 ║    │       │          ║       │            ║
  MF ║          │                ║ -3.92199228401 ║   -  │ 1.84e-09 ║    │       │          ║       │            ║
Iterations:              90                                                                                      ║
Function evaluations:    122                                                                                     ║
PyGRANSO termination code: 0 --- converged to stationarity and feasibility tolerances.                           ║
Total Wall Time: 0.9984183311462402s
torch.norm(V@V.T - U@U.T)/torch.norm(U@U.T) = 0.062441956102622084
torch.trace(V.T@A@V) = 3.922211235466178
torch.trace(U.T@A@U) = 3.932280709191555
sum of first d eigvals = 3.9322807091915544
sorted eigs = tensor([ 3.0432,  0.8890, -0.4730, -0.9598, -1.8722], device='cuda:0',