PyGRANSO New Options


String in {‘osqp’}. Default value: ‘osqp’

Select the QP solver used in the steering strategy and termination condition. Currently only OSQP is supported.


torch.device(‘cpu’) OR torch.device(‘cuda’). Default value: torch.device(‘cpu’)

Choose torch.device used for matrix operation in PyGRANSO. opts.torch_device = torch.device(‘cuda’) if one wants to use cuda device.


Boolean value. Default value: True

Compute all gradients of objective and constraint functions via auto-differentiation. In the default setting, user should provide [f,ci,ce] = combined_fn(X). When globalAD = False, user should provide [f,f_grad,ci,ci_grad,ce,ce_grad] = combined_fn(X). Please check the docstring of for more details of setting combined_fn.


Boolean value. Default value: True

Set the floating number formats to be double precision for PyGRANSO solver. If double_precision = False, the floating number formats will be single precision.

Experimental Options


The following options are still in development and may change or be removed in future releases. We don’t recommend users use them in current version.


Positive real value. Default value: 1

Initial step size t in line search. Recommend using small value (e.g., 1e-2) for deep learning problems.


Positive integer. Default value: inf

Max number of iterations in line search. Recommend using small value (e.g., 25) for deep learning problem.


Boolean value. Default value: False

By default, NCVX will use weak-Wolfe line search. By enabling this method, the curvature condition will be disabled.


Boolean value. Default value: False

Rescale the norm of searching direction to be 1. Recommend setting True in deep learning problem. Used only when backtracking line search is enabled.


Boolean value. Default value: False

Disable termination code 6 to ensure NCVX can always make a movement even if the line search failed. Recommend setting True in deep learning problem. Used only when backtracking line search is enabled.